Lok-Test Pull Machine

Lok-Test Pull Machine

with a 0-100 kN precision electronic gauge with storage for 512 test readings

British StandardBS 1881 - 207
Other StandardsASTM C 900-99, EN-ISO 8046
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Inserts as shown in final 3 images must be purchased separately
The LOK-TEST accurately measures the compressive strength in-place of newly cast structures for:
  • Evaluating the timing of safe and early loading operations of maturing elements or structures
  • Evaluating the quality of the critical cover layer protecting the reinforcement in the finished structure
Complies with ASTM C 900-99, BS 1881: Part 207, CEN/104/SCI/TG8: 187, per EN-ISO 8046

Principle of Operation

A 25mm diameter steel disc, positioned 25mm from the surface is pulled centrally against a 55mm inner diameter counter pressure on the surface. The concrete in the strut between the disc and the counter pressure is being compressed; hence the pull force "F” is a direct measure of the compressive strength.

Loading is performed either to a required force, in which case the test is non destructive, or to the peak-load, only generating a slightly raised 55mm circumferential crack on the surface.

The disc has to be cast into the concrete beforehand. A number of LOK-TEST inserts are available for this purpose, either attached to the form-work or for floating in the top faces of castings.

The variation of the LOK-TEST is in the range of ± 8% on normal concrete.

Lok-Test Pull Machine CN810

The hydraulic pullmachine has a 0-100 kN precision electronic gauge installed with memory for storage of test results (peak-value, time and date of testing).

The peak-value is shown after a test has been terminated.

The internal accuracy of the gauge is 0.01 kN.

The display is showing the pull force in 0.1 kN digital increments.
The pull machine needs to be re-calibrated once a year, or before, if serviced or damaged.

The Pull Machine kit consists of:

  • Standard pullmachine, Electronic Gauge, 0-100 kN: 0-16,600 PSI, 0.2% accuracy, can store 512 test readings for downloading to a Windows-based PC
  • Amigas II software CD-ROM for data transfer
  • Connecting cable between LOK-TEST and computer
  • Calibration table in MPa or PSI
  • Accessories and tools
  • Manual
  • Carrying case

LOK-TEST Inserts

The inserts below are for the 0-50kN strength class.


Control Inserts for nailing to wooden form-work. The form-work has to be removed before testing.


Early Stripping Inserts with L-44 Steel Plate for attachment to a removable plug through a porthole, for use when testing has to be performed before the form-work is removed.


Floating Inserts for floating in top surfaces of castings